Contact ThePokerBank

If you would like to contact me about anything and everything, just send an email to the following address:
Just replace the [at] and [dot] parts accordingly. I have subbed those in to help prevent any spammer bots from picking up the email address.
In case you are wondering, my name is Greg. If you want to find out more about me, check my about page.
Reasons to contact me.
- I really enjoy honest feedback about the site. I don't get a lot of it, so all suggestions are very much welcomed.
- If you have a question. I always try my best to answer questions as informatively as I can.
- Any problems with the site? Don't hold back.
- Want to ask me anything? I reply to all genuine emails, so give it a shot.
- For a laugh.
I like receiving emails.
Reasons not to contact me.
- General advertising. I delete all template-format advertising inquiries. Be original and you might catch my attention.
- Most advertising. I'm afraid I delete 99% of advertising emails unless they are unique and honest.
- Anything less than quality link exchange proposals. I'm happy to link to a lot of sites, just not useless ones.
As a rule of thumb, if you have sent the same email you are sending me to other website owners, I am going to delete it and forget about it. The more original you are with the email the better.