Texas Hold'em Strategy Newsletter
The Poker Bank (well, I) provides a monthly Texas Hold'em newsletter containing solid Texas Holdem tips and strategy to help take your game to higher levels.
Each newsletter will contain a fresh piece of strategy that you won't find anywhere else to help you develop as a poker player.
Sign up for monthly strategy using the box in the top left corner.
Do I get anything free with this newsletter?
As soon as you subscribe to the monthly strategy I will immediately send you the short "10 Vital NL Hold'em Tips" ebook.
This ebooks contains 10 of what I believe to be the most important tips for any player looking to become a consistent winner or move up to higher stakes games and win more money.
It's a quick 1,200 word guide, but I am confident that this is the most important short ebook you will read in your poker career, and the best part is that it's free.
Why sign up to this newsletter?
Well, aside from finding out the value right after getting your first newsletter, here are a few quick reasons why I think it's valuable for you to sign up:
- Perfectly free and safe. There are no catches, no spam and no strings whatsoever.
- I write all of the strategy and all of the articles are totally unique.
- It's a simple text newsletter. It's not filled with slow-loading images or templates. Just pure strategy.
It's also likely to be the best decision you will be making today (so I'm guessing that means it's all down hill from here). But anyway, I am confident that you will enjoy the newsletter. I also try and make it entertaining, but I can't make any promises on that one though.
Will you spam me with useless stuff?
No. I hate spam more than I hate min check-raises.
Will you give my email to other people?
No. It's going to be just you and my strategy newsletters baby.
Do you have an example strategy newsletter?
I do. Here's a strategy newsletter example from around April 2009.