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Deuces Cracked Review

If you haven't got a subscription to DeucesCracked, you are losing money. – Greg Walker,

- Overall Rating: 9/10
- 6max: 10/10 - This is what it excels at.
- FR: 8/10
- MTT: 7/10
- SNG: 8/10
- Other: 8/10
- Stakes: All stakes, although most videos aimed toward small and mid-stakes players.
- Notable Pros: KRANTZ, BalugaWhale, WiltOnTilt, whitelime, Joe Tall.
- Downloadable Videos: Yes.
- Price: $29 / month.
Sign up for your free 7 day trial at Deuces Cracked
Deuces Cracked sample and 7 day free trial.
The 7 day free trial is available to all new subscribers. You have to submit your debit/credit card details when signing up, but you can easily cancel if you're one of the small minority of players that decide to not continue with your subscription. There are no strings attached and there's no hard feelings if you decide not to continue after the free trial.
Sign up for your free 7 day trial at Deuces Cracked
What Deuces Cracked is best at.
- Consistent high quality strategy videos. Some of the best strategy videos can be found at DC.
- Specializes in cash games, but also provides a lot of great strategy in other areas.
- Very good value for money. $29 / month is a steal for the best training site.
After spending so much time at Deuces Cracked over the years I can't sing their praises enough. But if I have to be specific about what Deuces Cracked is best at, it's the way in which great coaches like Baluga Whale communicate to you in their videos.
Before you watch any video from a great coach you know your game is going to have improved by the end of it. The fact that you know your game will develop through every video you watch, no matter how straightforward the title may seem, is a compelling indication that the training site you have subscribed to is worth every penny. Nice work DC.
Oh, and DC is basically essential for any 6max or full ring cash game player.
What Deuces Cracked isn't great at.
- Has only recently released more MTT and SNG strategy videos. Did not have many at the start.
The founders of DeucesCracked were mostly cash game players, which explains why the MTT and SNG strategy videos were a little lacking when the site first got under way. Compared to the cash game videos, the MTT and SNG sections are still lagging behind, but DC has now released a good number of videos to fill up those sections.
Compared to the number of tournament videos at other training sites, DC's collection is about average, so overall the slightly lower number of tourney vids compared to cash vids isn't really all that much of a negative.
Final thought on Deuces Cracked.
Deuces Cracked is overall the best training site money can buy. Besides good quality videos there is a wealth of great articles and a supportive forum to help you improve your game and move up the stakes as quickly as possible, regardless of whether you're starting out at $10NL or looking to improve your $400NL+ game.
Check out the free trial, but strongly consider signing up for a good few months at least to absorb as much information as you can. $29 a month is nothing compared to the amount of money the strategy will help you to win over the long run.
If you haven't got a subscription to Deuces Cracked you are losing money. The sooner you sign up the better.