James 'SplitSuit' Sweeney

Video | Type | Level | Stakes | Game | Length | Date |
Combos | Concept | Advanced | - | FR | 44 mins | 15 Apr 11 |
Playing AA | Concept | Advanced | - | FR | 45 mins | 21 Apr 11 |
Isolating | Concept | Advanced | - | FR | 35 mins | 23 Apr 11 |
HUD Ninja | Concept | Intermediate | - | - | 42 mins | 26 Apr 11 |
Common Mistakes (Part 1) | Concept | Intermediate | - | FR | 34 mins | 28 Apr 11 |
Crushing Shortstackers | Concept | Intermediate | - | FR | 38 mins | 03 May 11 |
The Art of Bet Sizing | Concept | Intermediate | - | FR | 45 mins | 12 May 11 |
Blind Leakage | Concept | Intermediate | - | FR | 54 mins | 28 May 11 |
Destroying Fish | Concept | Advanced | - | FR | 48 mins | 18 Jun 11 |
Inverse (Part 1) | INVERSE | Intermediate | $100NL | FR | 34 mins | 27 Jun 11 |
Common Mistakes (Part 2) | Concept | Intermediate | - | FR | 42 mins | 21 Jul 11 |
Inverse (Part 2) | INVERSE | Intermediate | $25NL | FR | 33 mins | 25 Jul 11 |
Bluff Squeezes | Concept | Advanced | - | FR | 34 mins | 27 Jul 11 |
C-Betting Like A Champion | Concept | Beginner | - | FR | 45 mins | 03 Aug 11 |
Baby Pairs | Concept | Beginner | - | FR | 33 mins | 04 Aug 11 |
Preflop Planning | Concept | Beginner | - | FR | 38 mins | 08 Aug 11 |
Inverse (Part 3) - Playing AJ | INVERSE | Intermediate | $50NL | FR | 34 mins | 11 Aug 11 |
Blind Stealing | Concept | Beginner | - | FR | 44 mins | 22 Aug 11 |
HH Review 1 | Hand Replayer | Beginner | $200NL | FR | 39 mins | 13 Sep 11 |
Inverse (Part 4) | INVERSE | Intermediate | $4NL | FR | 38 mins | 19 Sep 11 |
Extrapolation | Concept | Advanced | - | FR | 35 mins | 25 Sep 11 |
Player Types | Concept | Beginner | - | FR | 41 mins | 08 Oct 11 |
Inverse (Part 5) - Playing KQ | INVERSE | Beginner | $100NL | FR | 31 mins | 14 Oct 11 |
Limped Pots | Concept | Beginner | - | FR | 31 mins | 19 Oct 11 |
HH Review 2 | Hand Replayer | Beginner | $100NL | FR | 34 mins | 24 Oct 11 |
When 3Bets Go Wrong (Part 1) | Hand Replayer | Intermediate | $50NL | FR | 34 mins | 01 Nov 11 |
Using Flopzilla | Concept | Advanced | - | - | 35 mins | 09 Nov 11 |
When 3Bets Go Wrong (Part 2) | Hand Replayer | Intermediate | $50NL | FR | 33 mins | 15 Nov 11 |
Playing Against Cappers | Hand Replayer | Intermediate | $100NL | FR | 35 mins | 18 Nov 11 |
HH Review 3 | Hand Replayer | Beginner | $25NL | FR | 34 mins | 02 Dec 11 |
Flushes and Flush Draws | Hand Replayer | Beginner | $25NL | FR | 32 mins | 14 Dec 11 |
Facing Preflop 3Bets | Hand Replayer | Intermediate | $100NL | FR | 33 mins | 06 Jan 12 |
Trips and Sets | Hand Replayer | Beginner | $50NL | 6max | 34 mins | 10 Jan 12 |
Inverse (Part 6) - Playing 99-JJ | INVERSE | Intermediate | $100NL | FR | 34 mins | 17 Sep 12 |
Multi-Way Cbetting | Hand Replayer | Beginner | - | FR | 35 mins | 18 Sep 12 |
Playing KK | Hand Replayer | Intermediate | $50NL | FR | 34 mins | 20 Sep 12 |
Flopped Monsters | Hand Replayer | Beginner | $50NL | FR | 34 mins | 26 Sep 12 |
When 3Bets Go Wrong (Part 3) | Concept | Intermediate | $100NL | FR | 32 mins | 26 Dec 12 |
Facing Flop Raises | Hand Replayer | Beginner | $100NL | FR | 32 mins | 07 Aug 13 |
A Collection of Postflop Air | INVERSE | Advanced | $100NL | FR | 34 mins | 09 Aug 13 |
A Collection of Suited Connectors | INVERSE | Intermediate | $100NL | FR | 30 mins | 16 Aug 13 |
Ace Queen | Hand Replayer | Intermediate | $100NL | FR | 33 mins | 17 Aug 13 |
When 3Bets Go Wrong (Part 4) | Hand Replayer | Intermediate | $100NL | FR | 31 mins | 26 Aug 13 |
Ask Splitsuit.
- Ask Splitsuit - November 2011. This is a big Q&A page where SplitSuit answered a bunch of different questions from visitors to ThePokerBank. It's a bit like a mini "well" thread as found on 2p2. You can see the original question form here (the form is now closed).
James "SplitSuit" Sweeney biography.

The basics.
- Name: James Sweeney
- Aliases: SplitSuit, *Split*
- Age: 38
- From: Chicago, IL
- Lives: Las Vegas, NV
- Game: Full Ring NLHE
- Website: www.SplitSuit.com
- Other work:
- eBook: Dynamic Full Ring Poker
- SplitSuit.com Free & Premium Videos
- COTW threads:
- Using PokerStove (2 Feb 09)
- Exploiting Shortstacks (22 Jun 09)
- Transitioning to LAG (14 Dec 09)
- Configuring Our HUD Stats (1 Feb 10)
- Understanding Polarization (7 Jun 10)
- Planning/Default Line Creation (2 Aug 10)
- Thinking About Combos (27 Sep 10)
- Getting Diamonds From Charcoal (15 Nov 10)
- Execution In Poker (10 Jan 11)
- SplitSuit Cardrunners Bio
Welcome to my upteenth attempt at writing a biography. I should preface this by saying that I hate writing about myself as I don't enjoy braggadocios writing styles in general.
But, because Greg asked me so nicely, I figured it was worth a shot. And with that, let's get started!
My name is James Sweeney and I have about 28 different online aliases. My most popular ones are “SplitSuit” and “*Split*”, always with capitalization on the “S”. When I got started on 2p2 I chose the username SplitSuit because I was playing PLO8 back then, and split suit hands (hands with 2 different flush potentials) were strong and I thought it was a cool name.
After a while I started my website, www.SplitSuit.com, and 2p2 told me I had to change my username because of it. From there on out I have been known as *Split* (which I was kind of used to being called by students and such anyway).

I was born in a suburb outside of Chicago, IL and moved to a Boston suburb in the middle of high school. After graduation I went to Syracuse University and did my 4 years there to get my BS in marketing. It was at Syracuse that I began to get into poker.
In fact, most of my college friends were made in our original home games/SNGs that we started running the first week of school. I would say I was a pretty standard beginning poker player...I thought I was pretty solid and awesome even though I couldn't reason out a line to save my life lol.
Poker career.
I originally started playing poker online my freshman year, doing the cliché “put $50 on and grind it up”. However, I wasn't doing the grinding up aspect of that very well. I would go play $22 SNGs, or 25NL cash and would usually get my account right back to $0 within an hour or so. I got sick of this pretty quickly, and after watching one of my friends constantly get deep in some decent MTTs I decided that I was going to take the game more seriously and study, discuss, and read everything that I possibly could.
I started improving pretty quickly, and had a real knack for being able to “feel” out situations in live games. I grew a bankroll from $1K to $15K pretty quickly just playing some 200NL and 500NL live games at Turning Stone (which was about 25 minutes too close to my dorm for me to do well in college, lol). I was also starting to put together some SNG results online (but to be fair, who DIDN'T murder Party Poker SNGs?), and was really building some knowledge and confidence.
However, it was about this time that I started dabbling in the pits. Playing lots of blackjack and let-it-ride before and after live sessions, and then occasionally skipping poker all together to play craps. That eventually turned into sports betting as well...and before you know it I had pitched about half of my poker winnings back (luckily for me I had been building my poker bankroll the whole time playing SNGs and PLO8 cash games).
So in my sophomore year or college I decided that I would take everything off-line, quit poker and gambling cold turkey...and just do something else with my life.
Back to the grind.
Fast forward about 3 months, after watching all of my friends just print money playing the Bodog nightlies, Party cash games, and every game in between...I realized I was gapping too much value by quitting poker. I decided I was going to get started again but totally resist any sort of -EV gambling.
I also decided that I didn't want to deposit and would just build a roll from nothing. A very well-known high stakes player at the time offered $400 to write his final paper...and 10hrs later I was $400 richer on Party and ready to get rocking! (I should also note that paper received an A-, lol)
From there it was just a grind. Playing lots of PLO8 cash, then getting back to my
I started playing the old FTP deep cash games ($.15/$.30, $60 max buy-in) and just murdered them. The games were so soft, and while not all of my PLO8 skills transferred over...things like bet sizing and pot geometry just allowed me to adjust quickly. From there I moved up until about 100NL 6max, where I was having some issues and decided to jump over to 100NL FR because I heard FR was getting more popular and the games were easier.
Coaching and ebook.
At that point I pretty much grew into the player I am now. Constantly growing, adjusting, and rethinking entire strategic functions. I took my first FR student back in late 2007 (a player who is actually on the DeucesCracked coaching roster), and loved coaching so much that I started doing a lot of it. I eventually got my first video making gig at Stox in 2008, and was moved over to CardRunners in 2009.
I also started experimenting with various coaching mediums, between videos and tanks and 1-on-1 sessions and protege programs. And all of that finally culminated with my first book Dynamic Full Ring Poker: Beyond The Basics which was released in late 2010.

Other stuff.
Since I know I skipped a bunch of stuff, I wanted to give some cliff notes on things I didn't cover:
- Don't ever date a bi-polar girl while trying to grind professionally or semi-professionally. Seriously.
- Find a balance. Don't become overly consumed with any one thing in life.
- Vegas is awesome. I suggest every player spend at least one summer out here.
- Build a poker network. My success is due, almost entirely, to having top notch poker players to bounce ideas with
- Love money, but don't let it know that you love it.
- I binked two quads while playing let-it-ride. I are luckbox sometimes
- I have “luckbox” tattooed on my right shoulder. Although it is written in Irish, so you would never know what it said unless I told you.
- My favorite hand of all-time involved me getting aipf for a $520 pot at $.5/1NL, correctly, with Q high (and somehow held after running it twice)
- I played PLO/PLO8 with Hellmuth once. He was a really nice guy, though I suppose that is expected when you have AAxx every other hand and smash top set + as well.
- I have incredibly bad ADD/ADHD which has always made grinding tough. I find that listening to the same song on repeat for hours helps (as well as Adderall, lol)
So that is me in a nutshell. If you have any questions, just let me know. Hope you are all still enjoying the videos and stay tuned for more stuff both here and on my site: www.SplitSuit.com
Go back to the immense Texas Hold'em strategy videos.