Inverse (Part 5) - Playing KQ
INVERSE Part 1 : INVERSE Part 2 : INVERSE Part 3 : INVERSE Part 4 : INVERSE Part 5 : INVERSE Part 6
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Table of Contents + Time Links
- (0:00) Intro [INVERSE AJ Hands]
- (1:00) Hand 1 - Betting flop and turn OOP with TPGK.
- (4:14) Hand 2 - Flatting min raise from CO on the BTN with K
. 7
flop. [SPR article, SPR is also covered in Playing AA, thin value]
- (8:27) Hand 3 - TPGK on the flop in 4-way pot.
- (11:27) Hand 4 - Hero opens in the CO, BTN min 3bets. Hit TPGK on flop and villain cbets.
- (14:12) Hand 5 - Hero squeezes in the BB. Hero shoves open-ended straight draw on flop. [Bluff Squeezes]
- (16:49) Hand 6 - Calling behind with KQs in the BB after SB raises a limper. OESD on flop in 3-way pot. [pot odds, Limped Pots]
- (20:23) Hand 7 - CO raises, hero calls with KQs on the BTN. CO cbets, Hero raises with gutshot + 2 overcards. [floating]
- (22:39) Hand 8 - Hero raises on the BTN and cbets flop with overcards vs. the SB. Hero double barrels on brick turn. [elastic]
- (26:50) Hand 9 - Open raise in the SB and BB calls. Hit TPGK on monotone flop.
- (30:20) Video recap
Inverse Part 5 - KQ Hands.
- Stakes: $100NL
- Game: Full Ring
- Tables: -
- Length: 00:31:09
- Added: 14 October 2011
Video overview.
Still don't know what an "INVERSE video" is? Check out INVERSE episode 1 for an intro and explanation.
This 5 edition of the INVERSE video series comprises entirely of KQ hands in FR NLHE cash games. Like AJ, KQ can be a tricky hand to play – you're never going flop TPTK with KQ. SplitSuit runs through 9 hand histories at $100NL that cover a range of common situations you'll find yourself in when playing KQ in Texas Hold'em.
A lot of the hand histories revolve around hitting TPGK and safely getting as much value from the hand as possible. There are a bunch of other interesting spots along with those too of course.
For more hand-specific concept videos, check out Playing AA, Baby Pairs and INVERSE 4 (AJ).

About SplitSuit.
James "SplitSuit" Sweeney is author of Dynamic Full Ring Poker: Beyond The Basics. He also coaches at his personal website He uses the alias *Split* at the 2+2 forums, which is where you can find his famous contributions to the COTW thread.
Go back to the immense Texas Hold'em strategy videos.