Playing KK
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Table of Contents + Time Links

- (0:00) Intro
- (1:05) Hand 1 - What is Karma? (KK on 6A8 flop)
Getting 4bet preflop. Do you call and play the flop or just shove preflop? Then playing with an Ace on the flop in a very low (0.7) SPR pot. [Bet sizing] - (5:59) Hand 2 - London bridge (KK on 5J3 flop)
Facing a 3bet from the BB after raising with KK from early position. Playing on a board with undercards when tight opponent is betting in to Hero. Can you fold KK when in position and there are only undercards (and no obvious draws) on the board? - (10:22) Hand 3 - So lovely (KK on 38J flop)
Deep stacks and getting 3bet preflop. Common postflop scenario. - (15:08) Hand 4 - Spoiled milk (KK on 52A flop)
Squeezing with KK. One player calls and Ace on the flop. How do you play KK in position after squeezing and an Ace hits? - (19:21) Hand 5 - Tax evasion (KK on 5K2 flop)
Flopping top set after 3betting with KK preflop. How do you get the most value with a monster set when playing out of position? [Flopped Monsters] - (25:16) Hand 6 - Double negative (KK on 8TQ flop)
Squeezing in the big blind. Playing a coordinated flop against a nitty player out of position. [Maximize value] - (29:21) Hand 7 - A donking donk (KK on 25T flop)
Isolating a fish preflop. Perfect flop for maximizing value with KK against a bad player, but the fish donks. How do you react to a donk bet with a strong hand on the flop? [Isolating] - (33:08) Video recap
Playing KK.
- Type: Hand Replayer
- Stakes: $50NL
- Game: Full Ring
- Tables: -
- Length: 00:34:26
- Added: 20 September 2012
Video overview.
Another hand-specific strategy video from SplitSuit. This one is dedicated to playing KK preflop and postflop in NLHE. The action takes place on a Full Ring table (9 players), but as usual the majority of the concepts can easily be applied to 6max games.
SplitSuit answers common preflop questions when playing KK, such as:
- Should we 3bet KK?
- How should we react against 3bets?
- Do we want to 4bet KK?
After the preflop discussion, there is obviously a bunch of postflop KK strategy:
- What's the standard postflop strategy for playing KK? (Hand 3)
- How do you play KK when there is an Ace on the flop? (Hand 1, Hand 4)
- How do you get the most value after flopping a set with KK? (Hand 5)
SplitSuit has selected a fun set of hand histories that cover a wide range of SPRs, so the strategy and advice thoroughly covers all kind of flop scenarios.

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About SplitSuit.
James "SplitSuit" Sweeney is author of Dynamic Full Ring Poker: Beyond The Basics. He also coaches at his personal website He uses the alias *Split* at the 2+2 forums, which is where you can find his famous contributions to the COTW thread.
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