Player Types
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Table of Contents + Time Links
- (0:00) Intro
- (1:17) Nits (Rocks, Super Tight Players)
- (3:15) How to play against a Nit
- (5:35) HH Examples
- (5:35) Example 1 - Hero raises AKo UTG, Nit on the BTN 3bets
- (7:07) Example 2 - Betting vs. checking on 983A board with AQ after cbetting the turn
- (8:47) Example 2a - Betting as a bluff with KQ on the same board. [double barrel]
- (9:57) Tag (Tight-aggressive, Reg)
- (17:00) Lag (Loose-aggressive)
- (19:38) How to play against a Lag [cold calling is covered in Common Mistakes Pt. 2]
- (22:42) HH Examples
- (25:14) A-Fish (Aggressive-fish, maniac)
- (27:38) HH Examples
- (27:38) Example 1 - TPTK on the flop vs. A-Fish, playing OOP
- (31:07) Example 2 - Cold calling instead of 3betting with AQ preflop, calling 3 streets with TPGK [implied odds]
- (32:57) P-Fish (Passive-fish, calling station)
- (35:30) How to play against P-Fish [EV]
- (36:51) HH Examples
- (36:51) Example 1 - Value betting vs. P-Fish with AA, get raised on turn [Baluga theorem]
- (38:45) Example 2 - Value betting 3 streets with KK overpair
- (39:52) Video recap
Player Types.
- Type: Concept
- Stakes: -
- Game: Full Ring
- Tables: -
- Length: 00:40:46
- Added: 08 October 2011
Video overview.
This player types concept video covers the 6 different types of players you will come up against when playing NLHE cash games and how to beat them. The 6 general types of players are:
- Nits – Rocks
- Tags – Tight-aggressive players, Regs
- Lags – Loose-aggressive players
- A-Fish – Aggressive fish, Maniacs
- P-Fish – Passive fish, Calling stations
- Unknowns

For each of these different players types, SplitSuit goes over:
- How to identify the type of player (occasionally using VPIP/PFR stat examples).
- How to play profitably against them.
- A few hand history examples of how to play optimally against them.
As mentioned, this concept video includes a fair amount of references to stats, so if you're not familiar with all that stuff then you'll want to check out Split's HUD Ninja video and/or my VPIP and PFR stat articles.
This isn't an all-encompassing strategy video tutorial to beating any and every cash game poker player. It's more of a general guide on how to play more optimally against the various types of bad players in Texas Hold'em cash games.
It should help you to build a solid foundation and improve your strategical approach to the different players and playing styles that are out there.

About SplitSuit.
James "SplitSuit" Sweeney is author of Dynamic Full Ring Poker: Beyond The Basics. He also coaches at his personal website He uses the alias *Split* at the 2+2 forums, which is where you can find his famous contributions to the COTW thread.
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