A Collection of Suited Connectors
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Table of Contents + Time Links
- (0:00) Intro
- (1:14) Hand 1 - A Bad Trade (65 on J43 flop)
Shoving an OESD on the flop against a short stack. Do we have enough fold equity? [Fold Equity, FE Calculator] - (4:41) Hand 2 - A Blunt Instrument (65s on A72 flop)
Weak flush draw in a multi-way pot after a failed cbet. - (7:57) Hand 3 - The Fish Bowl (JT on 643 flop)
Raising JTs under the gun. Betting with a flush draw + overcards on the flop in position. Villain min-3bets. - (14:45) Hand 4 - Double Double (87 on J95 flop)
Calling with 87s in the BB after a steal from the BTN. Check raising with an OESD on the flop. - (19:17) Hand 5 - Heart Attack (87s on J96 flop)
Squeezing with a suited connector. - (21:58) Hand 6 - Fire Starter (65s on Q42 flop)
Gutshot straight draw in position in a 3-way pot. Bluffing on the river after failing to hit straight. - (25:06) Hand 7 - 1/4900 (65s on 987 flop)
Calling with a suited connector in BB after SB raises. Hero flops a straight flush.
A Collection of Suited Connectors.

- Stakes: $100NL
- Game: Full Ring
- Tables: -
- Length: 00:29:56
- Added: 16 August 2013
Video overview.
As titled, a collection of hand histories with suited connectors. This video covers strategy on playing suited-connectors both pre-flop and post-flop.
Specific areas covered relating to suited connectors include:
- Preflop starting hand selection - when and when not to play hands like SCs preflop.
- Playing suited connectors in single raised and 3bet pots on the flop.
- Playing SCs vs steals.
- Playing aggressively with draws vs calling. Fold equity is calculated in two hands (Hand 1 and Hand 2)
Playing draws can get mathsy (hence the fold equity calculator work), because you often work with pot equity + fold equity to see if a bet or raise is profitable. The math in this video isn't too complex though.
Notable spots in each hand include:
- Hand 1 - Fold equity calculation with an OESD against a short stack.
- Hand 2 - A poor spot to check raise all-in. Starts at 5:20.
- Hand 3 - The value of raising with suited connectors from early positions. More fold equity work.
- Hand 4 - Check raising with an OESD on the flop. Good or bad?
- Hand 5 - Squeezing with a suited connector.
- Hand 6 - Bluffing with a busted straight draw in a weird hand. Action starts at 23:55.
- Hand 7 - How to play poker when you completely smash the flop.

- "Run math off the table so that it's automatic in real-time."
- "Stack size is indicative of a fish, and can be a red flag."
- "Being in position makes everything more profitable."
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About SplitSuit.
James "SplitSuit" Sweeney is author of Dynamic Full Ring Poker: Beyond The Basics. He also coaches at his personal website www.SplitSuit.com. He uses the alias *Split* at the 2+2 forums, which is where you can find his famous contributions to the COTW thread.
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