When 3Bets Go Wrong (Part 4)
W3BGW Part 1 : W3BGW Part 2 : W3BGW Part 3 : W3BGW Part 4
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Table of Contents + Time Links
- (0:00) Intro
- (1:05) Hand 1 - Semi-What (A2 on A76 flop)
Squeezing in the CO and c-betting the flop with top-pair + flush draw. - The Squeeze Play, Bluff Squeezes - (7:07) Hand 2 - Lady Luck (AK on TT3K board)
BTN min-raises, Hero 3bets from the SB – BB and min-raiser call. Everyone checks the flop. Hero bets turn and BB min-raises. - (12:27) Hand 3 - Equity Sauce (AK on J864K board)
Betting for some value after hitting top pair on the river after every round went check-check. Villain raises. – SPR - (18:40) Hand 4 - Math Class (86 on QTT flop)
Huge squeeze against 4 other players preflop. Cbetting with a flush draw on the flop. – 4/2 Rule - (23:15) Hand 5 - Forever Odd (A8 on KQT flop)
Light 3bet from the SB vs BTN raiser.
When 3Bets Go Wrong (Part 4).

- Type: Hand Replayer
- Stakes: $100NL
- Game: Full Ring
- Tables: -
- Length: 00:30:36
- Added: 26 August 2013
Video overview.
Another set of hand histories where Hero's 3bet gets called and we have to play some post flop poker. There are two squeezes, two 3bets for value, and one light 3bet.
A lot of the analysis in these hand histories takes place on the later streets, so it's a great vid if you're happy with your flop play after 3betting, but tend to struggle on the the turn and river.
I can't think of anything else to add. I'll just list some of the highlights:
- Hand 1 - Is there any value in betting A
on 6
flop? What does your bet accomplish? If you're betting for value, can you name three worse hands that could continue?
- Hand 2 - Getting raised by a nit-TAG with A
on a T
board. Can you call?
- Hand 3 - Betting for some value after hitting top pair on the river after every round went check-check. Then villain raises.
- Hand 4 - Analyzing the viability of a squeeze against 4 other players by checking out their HUD stats.
- Hand 5 - Explanation (including visualization) of why certain type of players are good to 3bet light based on their stats.
"If you're betting for value, can you name three worse hands that could continue?"
"2SPR or lower is super easy with KK+, but less so with JJ/AK."
"If the pot odds aren't right, we should start looking at implied odds."
About SplitSuit.
James "SplitSuit" Sweeney is author of Dynamic Full Ring Poker: Beyond The Basics. He also coaches at his personal website www.SplitSuit.com. He uses the alias *Split* at the 2+2 forums, which is where you can find his famous contributions to the COTW thread.
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