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Full Tilt Poker Black Card

The Full Tilt Black Card Status

The Full Tilt Black Card Promotion

The Black Card at Full Tilt Poker is an endurance-based promotion that’s a little similar to the Iron Man Challenge.

But anyway, what exactly is this Black Card and how do you get it? More importantly, what are the rewards if you can manage to get your poker-grinding mitts on one?

What is the Full Tilt Poker Black Card?

The Black Card is essentially a status. It’s just like reaching a gold (or whatever) VIP status at other rooms for playing lots of poker.

Once you reach Black Card status, you gain access to the special Black Card store at Full Tilt Poker. There are also a few other neat bonuses like tournaments and stuff, but I’ll cover those in more detail in a moment.

A unique yet cool aspect of reaching Black Card status is that you actually get a black card sent to you in the post. In all honesty I don’t see how this is all that useful seeing as your Black Card status is stored online, but I guess it could double up as a snazzy tea coaster.

Start earning points to get your own black card now

How do you reach Black Card status at Full Tilt?

To get to Black Card status at Full Tilt, you need to average 500 Full Tilt Points daily over a 100 day period.

Black card Status Widget

Therefore, if you are earning 500 Full Tilt Points every day, after 100 days you will achieve Black Card status. Similarly, if you only play poker every other day but earn 1,000 points on each of those days, your daily average will again be 500 points.

All that matters is that your daily average is above 500. You do not have to play every day, although it will help to be consistent.

To make it even more simple, you need to earn at least 50,000 Full Tilt Points in any given 100 day period to make it to Full Tilt Poker Black Card status.

The 100 day rolling period can stretch across any time frame of 100 days. You do not have to set a start or finish time, as you are always going to be contributing to your overall average. However, some players may need to sit down and decide to commit to playing poker more frequently to achieve Black Card status.

How do you maintain Black Card status?

To maintain your Black Card status, you simply need to keep your daily average over 500 Full Tilt points.

However, if you drop below the 500 point average at any point, you will have a 50 day “grace period” to get your average back up. If you fail to get your average daily FTP earnings back to at least 500 again after those 50 days, you will lose your Black Card status.

During this grace period you will still keep your Black Card status though, which is nice.

If you are unfortunate enough to lose your Black Card status at Full Tilt, you will need to regain you daily average of 500 points to get back in to the club.

Therefore, if you’re not normally a high volume player and struggle to play that much, if you can manage to make it to Black Card status you will maintain it for at least 50 days.

What do you get from having Black Card status?

Good question. Here are the main benefits of the Full Tilt Poker Black Card.

  • Earn Full Tilt Points 2x as fast.
  • Entry to special Black Card only tournaments.
  • Access to the Black Card store.

Earning FTPs twice as fast is awesome. The tournaments are cool if you’re in to that sort of thing, but the Black Card store is the icing on the cake (and the biggest incentive to reach Black Card status).

Start earning points to get your own black card now

The Black Card store at Full Tilt Poker.

Black Card Store Screenshot

The Black Card store is a little thin compared to the main Full Tilt store, but the stuff it does offer is impressive to say the least. The main stock includes:

  • Cash bonuses between $50 and $5,000
  • Electronics. Mostly TVs.
  • Luxury items. Immensely flashy cars and motorbikes.

I’m sure the Black Card store will expand over time, so it’s worth keeping an eye on to see what sort of ridiculous prizes will be added in the future.

How difficult is it to get "Black Card" status at Full Tilt?

Pretty tricky!

But if you’d like me to be a little more specific:

If you play sit and go tournaments at Full Tilt, you’d need to play an average of...

  • 50 x $10+$1 or
  • 25 x $20+$2 or
  • 10 x $50+$5 or
  • 5 x $100+$10

..SNGs a day for 100 days to get that little black card through the mail.

Cash games are a little trickier to work out, but I’m confident that you would struggle to average 500 FTPs a day unless you were multi-tabling at least at $50NL for a decent session a day.

Here’s a handy tip though, if you play during happy hour, you will double the number of points you earn. So it’s definitely worth your while to schedule your sessions around happy hour if you’re chasing after the elusive Full Tilt Poker Black Card.

Start earning points to get your own black card now

Final thoughts on the Black Card promotion.

I really like it. Not only that, there are no other promotions out there quite like it. It really is a one of a kind promotion that’s worth having a go at. Honestly, the sooner you sign up to Full Tilt (not forgetting the Full Tilt Poker referral code of FRESHBONUS for that added $600 bonus) the better. Personally, have absolutely no intention of missing out on this bad boy.

Sure, reaching Black Card status is going to be tricky and it’s going to take some effort, but that’s what makes it so good. It wouldn’t be much of a prestigious club if any old player could get in.

Besides, once you’ve made it in to the club the rewards will certainly make it worth your while, especially the cash rewards. Well, those and the awesome tea coaster that I’m going to get through the post.