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Full Tilt TV Ads

TV Commercials for Full Tilt Poker

There are actually quite a few Full Tilt Poker TV ads. Only a few of these Full Tilt commercials seem to get decent exposure, whilst others get a little left out. However, they're all short but sweet gems when it comes to poker TV adverts.

Below you will find a small selection of my personal favorite "Full Tilt ads" made by the pros at Full Tilt Poker. If you search around Youtube you should be able to find a few more, but these are the better ones in my opinion.

Phil Ivey's Poker Face.

This is one of the most popular Full Tilt ads. It's from the older generation of FT ads, but it's still pretty good. I wouldn't go as far to say that it's my favorite, but I would rate it a good 4/5.

Howard Lederer Bracelets.

I really like this one... it's good to see that the Full Tilt pros are happy to poke a little fun at themselves for the commercials. It's not rolling around on the floor funny, but it makes you smile.

Howard should have more bracelets anyway.

Howard Lederer Tuning Out Opponents.

Not as good as the above two, but another enjoyable one with Howard Lederer. Maybe Howard fancied having a commercial with having anyone poking fun at his fewer number of bracelets.

Erick Lindgren and Mike Matusow Ad.

I'm not a big fan of Matusow myself, but Seidel makes this one entertaining. Nice twist on the Full Tilt slogan at the end too.

Phil Ivey Folding.

This is not a funny one, but it's the best out of the Full Tilt Poker TV ads for making you want to sign up to Full Tilt and start playing poker online. The strategy tip is a little suspect, but a great Full Tilt ad none the less.

This is my personal favorite "non-funny" Full Tilt ad.

Eric Seidel Answering The Door.

Save the best Full Tilt ad 'til last. Out of the funny Full Tilt Poker ads, this one comes out on top for me. Same style as the Phil Ivey one at the top, just better.


If you're after more Full Tilt ads, check out Youtube and have a search around, you should be able to find a handful more. It's a shame that these ads do not get shown more often, not sure what the reason behind that is. Nonetheless, they're an enjoyable watch if you have a few spare moments on your hands.

If these ads have whet your appetite for Poker, go ahead and sign up to Full Tilt and check out the software. You can find play money tables to help you get accustomed to the room (before you start playing for real money - the best way to play).

Just be sure to enter the referral code for Full Tilt when you are signing up so that you are able to receive the new player bonus after making your first deposit. Best of luck at the tables as usual.